Tuesday, November 23, 2010

New Miscarriage Ministry

I recently had the opportunity to meet a woman who just found out she was miscarrying. I say opportunity because even though it was one of the most difficult days I've had thus far, I think it was God-ordained. Who else could cry with her? Who else could genuinely ache for the loss she was experiencing?  Only those who have gone through it before can fully understand what it feels like to lose a baby you couldn't wait to hold.

I know there's a danger with saying this. I don't want anyone to think they can't help just because they haven't experienced a miscarriage themselves. Believe me, they can. I have been encouraged by many people who haven't miscarried themselves.

But I think God uses us differently when we've been there personally. So many women who have previously lost children have shared their stories with me and encouraged me through their words, gifts, and actions. We've been blessed. And as much as I'd like to believe everyone who miscarries has the same support, I know that in reality they don't. So...

We will be starting a new miscarriage ministry at Carterville Christian Church in the near future. This ministry will be designed to encourage those who have experienced a miscarriage or stillbirth. We'll keep a list of due dates and/or dates of losses so that we can pray for and encourage those who are grieving around their special dates. Even if it's been years since you lost your baby, we still want to remember your child. After all, you'll never forget. If you want more information about this new ministry or have any ideas you'd like to share, please leave a comment below or send me an email. The details are still being worked out...More information to come!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent idea, Lindsey! Wow. God is using you right where you are. The idea of reaching out even to people who have miscarried in the past is such a blessing. We carry those babies in our hearts. Thank you for sharing your journey and painful time with us. God bless you.
