Wednesday, November 16, 2011

God's Presence When He's Hidden: Quotes from the Esther Bible Study

I've been going through Beth Moore's Bible Study on the book of Esther this fall. God has used two books to really heal my heart this year: Pete Wilson's book, Plan B, and this study by Beth Moore. Here are just a few of the memorable quotes from the Esther study.

1. God "is never more present than when He seems strangely absent" (31). 

2. "It will often be crisis that God uses to pivot our direction" (Session 3 Video Quote, page 81).

3. "I was not called to an easy life. I was called to a purposeful life" (98).

4. When in the midst of a trial, ask yourself this: "What if this is a critical moment? What if this very thing, this very decision, is the most important piece of the puzzle comprising my purpose?" (98).

5. "The most critical breakthrough of faith you and I could ever experience is to let God bring us to a place where we trust him-period. We don't just trust Him to let us avoid what we fear most. We determine to trust Him no matter what, even if our worst nightmare befalls us" (108).

6. "Sometimes God's hand is so close that it covers the eyes" (109).

7. And in the final chapter of the book, Beth quoted an unknown author who wrote this poem:
"I believe in the sun, even when it is not shining.
I believe in love, even when I do not feel it.
I believe in God, even when He is silent" (220).

I hope these quotes minister to you as much as they've ministered to me. I'm sure I'll share more about how God has used this study in the months to come.

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